「cardio and discover」ついに渡米!!今回は、太陽が照らす美しいビーチから映画史の舞台ハリウッドまで特徴豊かなロサンゼルス旅行のモデルコースを3日間という少ない時間で網羅的に紹介し、健康的な旅行プランと新たな発見をサポートします!
"Cardio and Discover" - Finally in the USA! This time, we’ll introduce a comprehensive 3-day model course for a feature-packed trip to Los Angeles, from the sun-kissed beautiful beaches to the iconic Hollywood, the birthplace of movie history. We’ll support you with a healthy travel plan and new discoveries!
① 14時頃のフライトに備えて、10時に成田空港に到着!フライトまでに、腹ごしらえと
Arrived at Narita Airport at 10 a.m. in preparation for a 2 p.m. flight! Time for a meal and final preparations for the long flight!
② 安全にフライト成功!ロサンゼルスまでは、10時間程かかるので、携帯で映画を観た
"Successful flight with safety! It takes about 10 hours to Los Angeles, so I’m watching movies on my phone and getting some sleep to conserve energy! As I enjoy a leisurely flight, the in-flight meal of vegetable penne is served, and I can see beautiful scenery from the window. I can't wait to arrive in Los Angeles!"
③ ようやく10時間のフライトを経て、ロサンゼルス国際空港、通称LAXに到着!!ロサ
"Finally, after a 10-hour flight, I have arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, commonly known as LAX!! Los Angeles is 16 hours behind Japan (14:00 JST → 08:00 PST), so I arrive at 8 a.m. local time! I've often heard that the U.S. immigration process is strict, so I was worried, but I passed through without any issues! In fact, I breezed through without even having a conversation, which was great! With the pleasant morning in Los Angeles, I’ll be introducing the Day 1 model course in the next blog, so be sure to check it out!"