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沖縄旅行 モデルコース 4日目 / Okinawa Travel Model Course Day4/5Days


「cardio and discover」の沖縄旅行モデルコース4日目!万座毛やアメリカンビレッジなど、沖縄にしかない場所を紹介し、健康的な旅行プランと新たな発見をサポートします!

"Cardio and discover" — Day 4 of the Okinawa travel model course! On this day, we will introduce unique locations in Okinawa, such as Manza Beach and American Village, supporting a healthy travel plan and new discoveries!


 Today, I'm heading to Manzamo from the morning! Since my accommodation is in the   northern part, it's about an hour's drive through Okinawa's roads!!

②万座毛でコーヒーと沖縄名物の「サーターアンダーギー」を食べた!!このあとは、も  う少し車で南方に向かいアメリカンビレッジへ!!

 I had coffee and Okinawan specialty "Sata Andagi" at Manzamo!! After this, I'll drive a bit  further south and head to American Village!!

③ 1時間程アメリカンビレッジを散策し、小腹が空いたのでぽーたまへ!!


  明日は、沖縄最終日だがフライトで終了してしまうため、今日はハードにこれから国    際通りで最後の夜を過ごす!!

  I spent about an hour exploring American Village, and when I started feeling a bit     hungry, I headed to Po-Tama!!

  Under the clear sky, satisfying my small hunger left both my mind and body refreshed!!

  Tomorrow is the last day in Okinawa, but it will be mostly spent on the flight, so tonight   I'll go all out and spend my final evening on Kokusai Street!!





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