「cardio and discover」の沖縄旅行モデルコース3日目!この日は朝から海でアクティビティ!午後も自転車に乗ってカーディオ!夜はバーベキューと、とにかくリフレッシュできるモデルコースを紹介し、健康的な旅行プランと新な発見をサポートします!!
"Cardio and discover" — Day 3 of the Okinawa travel model course! On this day, we will start the morning with activities in the ocean, followed by some cardio cycling in the afternoon! In the evening, enjoy a barbecue, introducing a model course that offers a refreshing experience and supports you with a healthy travel plan and new discoveries!
① 瀬底ビーチからシュノーケル体験!!運がよければウミガメが見れるとのこと!
Snorkeling at Sesoko Beach! If we’re lucky, we might even see sea turtles!

② 残念ながらウミガメを観ることはできなかったけど、様々な種類の魚と共にシュノー
Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any sea turtles, but we had a great time snorkeling
with various types of fish! Now that we're hungry, it's time to grab some lunch!

③ 僕は「スペシャルバーガー」を注文!どんなに大きな口があってもあふれてしまうく
I ordered the "Special Burger"! It was so huge that even with the biggest mouth, it would overflow—an incredibly satisfying meal! Now that I've recharged my energy, the second part of day three begins!!

④ 瀬底島の「備瀬のフクギ並木」をレンタルサイクルとレンタル電動ボードで散策!!
これもまた気づいたらあっという間に夕方に!今日は、宿に設備されているBBQセッ トを使用して最高の夕食を楽しむ!
Exploring Sesoko Island's "Bise Fukugi Tree Road" on a rental bicycle and electric board! It was the perfect cooldown to refresh our bodies after the morning activities!
Before we knew it, it was already evening! Tonight, we’ll be using the BBQ set at our accommodation to enjoy a fantastic dinner!
